
Be wary: the pandemic offers fraudsters a golden opportunity

For responsible citizens like most of us, washing our hands regularly and observing the lockdown measures will be our primary acts of vigilance against the pandemic. But some people will always find ways to exploit exceptional circumstances, and there is a further complication we should be vigilant against, too: fraud. Coronavirus makes fraud much easier…
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Google’s British service users’ data to get US oversight

Amid perceived (or professed) uncertainty around the UK’s future GDPR adequacy status, Google executives have opted to transfer oversight of their UK data subjects from their EU subsidiary Google Ireland Limited to their American HQ Google LLC. Cited by outlets such as Reuters and The Guardian, Lea Kissner, Google’s former lead for global privacy technology,…
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European Commission publishes “White Paper on Artificial Intelligence”

19th February saw the release of the European Commission’s white paper on AI, which remains open to public consultation until May. While extolling the virtues of AI such as its much anticipated roles in fine-tuning medical diagnostics and mitigating climate breakdown, the white paper ranks intrusion and privacy risks among the four main issues facing…
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Government expands Ofcom’s role to combat ‘Online Harms’

Online harms can take a variety of forms, privacy violations being among the most notorious. Regardless of how we categorise negative internet user experiences, we know from a recent Ofcom study that 61% of adults and 79% of 12-15 year olds have reported at least one potentially harmful online experience in the last 12 months.…
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What does the law say about protecting your health and other sensitive data?

Health data, identity theft and fraud are among the most significant concerns of data protection, especially where sensitive personal data is concerned.  Now the Information Commissioners Office has published detailed guidance on how data controllers should protect and handle this ‘Special Category’ data.  Special category data Known as the most sensitive category of personal data,…
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US Privacy Bill

On October 11, 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the remaining amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) into law.  The CCPA provides unprecedented privacy rights to California residents similar to those enjoyed by EU citizens since the implementation of GDPR. Most companies that do business with California will need to comply with the…
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Politics. Fines. Data Deletion.

GDPR Regulations begin to bite We are now beginning to see the impact of the GDPR regulations across politics, businesses and public services.  With the upcoming UK general election, the ICO is issuing timely reminders.  In Europe we are starting to see large fines being levied for GDPR breaches. ICO Issues Letter to UK Political…
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Politics and social media

Politics, Social Media and Data Protection

This has been a week where the combination of politics, social media and data protection have been much in evidence. Twitter political advertising ban Twitter boss Jack Dorsey decided to ban political advertising on Twitter globally, which has focussed attention on the use of personal data in targeting political messages. This has gained traction in…
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There Now Follows A Brief Interlude…

This blog, charting the progress of the UK towards Brexit and its impacts from a data protection perspective, has been running for a few months now. It seems that every week there has been a new twist or sudden change in direction. This week, again contrary to many commentators’ predictions, came the news that we…
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The Countdown Clock Stalls

Shortly after he was installed in post, the new Chancellor, Sajid Javid, announced that three million new 50 pence coins celebrating Brexit would be issued on 31st October to mark the UK’s exit from the EU.  Millions more were set to be minted in the following months. The move was supposed to underline the Government’s…
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